I'm gearing up to work at SonarSource and thought it'd be cool to get SonarCloud up and running on this blog app. Guess what? It was super easy to get rolling!
Quick Steps to Dive In
- Step 1: Signed up for a SonarCloud account with my GitHub.
- Step 2: Flipped my target repo to public to get in on that sweet, free plan. (Free is always good, right?)
- Step 3: Gave the SonarCloud GitHub app the thumbs-up to access my repo.
- Step 4: Picked the repos where SonarCloud should do its thing.
And voila! That's pretty much it! 🎉 Check out the official page for more precise detail.
What I Found
Now, when I check out my project, I can see SonarCloud's breakdown. So far, it’s flagged a bug and 7 code smells.
Seems like none of them are critical but the result like below is useful to avoid redundant code.
Plus, SonarCloud goes through all of your Pull Requests, making you feel like you've got a safety net.
If you're looking to run this on a private repo, all you've gotta do is upgrade your plan. Easy peasy!
And that's it, folks! Happy coding!